Friday 30 March 2012

Where is Oxygen Found in Nature

Q: What is "HIJKLMNO"?
A: H2O

Hey I'm oxygen, but you probably don't need this intro anymore. Here are some things you need to know, or maybe you just forgot.

I make up 21% of the earths atmosphere which is about  1.189 quadrillion metric tons. I'm nine tenths of water, and I'm two thirds of the human body, (which is 66% in case you were wondering). I'm 47% dry soil. I'm 85% of sea water, 42% of all vegetation, and 50% of the crust of the Earth by weight.

Again I'm part of hundreds of thousands of organic compounds. And without me, life wouldn't be possible. Even though 15 isotopes of oxygen exist, natural oxygen is a mix of 3 isotopes. Most living cells need me, and it's no problem because I'm the 3rd most abundant resource in the universe..

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