Friday 30 March 2012

Physical & Chemical Properties of Oxygen

A proton and a neutron are walking down the street. The proton says, "Wait, I dropped an electron help me look for it." The neutron says, "Are you sure?" The proton replies, "I'm positive."

Hey my name is oxygen. I'm an active life sustaining part of the atmosphere. I make up 90% of water and I make up two thirds of you ! Here are things you need to know, or maybe you just forgot.

I am a colourless, odourless and tasteless gas. I boil at 183 degrees Celsius and melt at 218.4 degrees Celsius. I have a density of 0.001429 g/cm3 and I exist in all 3 forms. But my liquid and solid form are a pale blue colour, as well as I have a cubic crystal shape. In my liquid form I'm potentially hazardous about flames and sparks as I will greatly accelerate combustion, but I do not burn myself in the reaction. I'm chemically active meaning I from compounds with practically every element but the inert gases. I'm not a good conductor of heat or electricity, but that's alright. These are only physical things about me. Now what I need you to know are the chemical.

I'm essential in the respiratory process and the combustion process. I combine with most elements, and am a component of hundreds of thousands of organic compounds. I'm a very reactive oxidizing agent. Oxidation means that a molecule, atom or ion has lost electrons in a chemical reaction which makes me an atom that likes to gain electrons. What you also might not know is that the ozone, (O3) is also a powerful reactive agent.

There is also other things to know about me, like how my paramagnetism is strong. But this stuff isn't even that important, and it's going to go way over your heads, so I'll just keep it simple for now.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog i have read it you share such informative information about oxygen therapy this therapy is very helpful for angered by sleep disorders patient .......
    keep it up
