Friday, 30 March 2012

When was Oxygen Discovered and by Whom

Q: If H2O is water, what is H2O4?
A: Drinking, bathing, washing, swimming, etc...

Hey I'm oxygen, but you probably don't need me to tell you that.

In 1772, Carl Wilhelm Scheele discovered oxygen for the first time. But before Carl Wilhelm Scheele could publish his findings, Joseph Priestly, an English chemist, beat him too it in 1774, 3 years before Scheele even got the chance to. And a french chemist, Antoine Eavoisier, discovered oxygen as an element is 1775.

Carl Welhelm Scheele
There was a huge dispute about who discovered me first. But I'll just stick to Scheele being my real founder.

To find out more about Carl, Joseph and Antoine (my dads) visit :

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